Mother’s Day Tribute

Kat Creech Events has had the pleasure of meeting many lovely mothers who are sending their sons and daughters into matrimony.  Watching these ladies on their children’s special day is a gift we don’t take lightly, so here is our Mother’s Day Tribute.

Mothers are really our whole world to us when we are small.  We look to them for everything.  For kisses, hugs, healing and life lessons.  Most especially, we look to them on our wedding day.

Fathers get a really special role in a wedding – walking the Bride down the aisle.  A Mother’s role is typically more complicated earlier in the day.  She helps with dresses, hair, bouquets and makes sure there is something borrowed, blue, old and new for her daughter.  If she is the Groom’s mother, there might be groomsman wrangling, bow tie instruction and boutonniere installations.

Mother’s are now being honored in more ways in wedding celebrations.  Some walk down the aisle with their daughter, flowers are handed out to both mother’s, and there are even some pretty amazing mother/daughter and mother/son dances!

But one thing always remains, the look of love and pride in a Mother’s eye as she hears her child recite their vows. Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother's Day Tribute Mother's Day Tribute Mother's Day Tribute Mother's Day Tribute Mother's Day Tribute Mother's Day Tribute

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